Friday, July 20, 2012

Life of an Intern

As hard as it was from abroad, I managed to secure myself am internship for the summer. I am a New Sector Alliance (branch of AmeriCorps) Fellow working with a local non-profit. My placement is the Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling where I work with the communications director on social media, web 2.0, & marketing initiatives.

The first couple of weeks were somewhat slow. I had to learn about the organization & problem gambling. Also, my first week was the week of the Fourth of July (I wasted no time upon returning from abroad) so that was a quiet week, then half the office was at the National Conference the next week.

This week I started having real projects to work on and I'm enjoying it. Now that I'm settled in I've been able to initiate my own project (more about that in a later post). Within the office I have my specialized niche, and that feels really good.

What attracted me to this particular internship program is the fact that it pays me to do work in the social in, I managed to meet both of my internship objectives!! It certainly is going to have its challenges though.

First off, I started a month late and the program is structured such that I need to meet an hours requirement. This might mean I continue into the fall. Actually, it very likely means I continue into the fall (which I'm sure will please the people I work with very much).

Second, I've come to learn that this internship gives me a lot of responsibility. I have a supervisor, yes. But a lot of what I do doesn't need to be checked. That's something I haven't had at previous internships so I'm finding the lack of distinct structure (the freedom) difficult to get used to.

Some more of what I like, though...

The people: I have two sets of people through this program. Primarily I work in the MCCG office. It's a small staff (10 including myself) and they're all really close, welcoming, and appreciative of my help. It's definitely a bonus to like the people you work with at an internship (and to not get sent on coffee runs).

The other set of people is the New Sector set. I'm in a cohort with these really impressive individuals from Harvard, Brown, Dartmouth, Bowdoin...and I somehow managed to impress them enough to be part of the cohort too! Besides being super smart, the other fellows are also pretty cool as individuals. I've enjoyed getting to know them so far; they each have such a different background, interests, and talents. All in all, an awesome group of new friends.

Bonus: speaking of friends, now that I'm back in Boston, I see my Babson friends so much. #ReunitedAndItFeelsSoGood. There is a good few who also intern right near me, and others in the Boston area for the summer.

I'm only 3 weeks in (yikes, I was in Korea a month ago! And by in Korea I mean I was in the airplane leaving Korea EXACTLY a month ago from when I wrote this sentence) but I'm enjoying the whole get up, dress all office-y, go to work in the city thing. I'm kinda taking advantage of the local eateries a little too much. I'm sure my wallet will need consoling later, but for now I'm just enjoying the summer.

And that's about it for now. I'll update soon about that project I mentioned, and the other adventures I'm up to these how right now I'm on a bus to go visit Parvati in Connecticut for the weekend!


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